Expose access to Database|Web Connections via FMEObjects

Related products: FME Form

It is currently not possible to access the database|web connections (username, password, host,etc.) with FMEObjects.

Usage scenario:

In the Python Startup Script (Scripted Parameters, PythonCaller, PythonCreator, Shutdown Script) we want to access an Oracle database via cx_oracle. While the Oracle Reader/Writer can use a Named Connection we have to expose additional parameters for our python scripts to be able to connect to the database.

Please expose functions in (Python) FMEObjects to be able to use existing Database|Web Connection details.

Just wanted to create this idea, but it already exists! :)

Yes, this would be great for all those people (like me) who need to access some database or API using Python and want to use a safe and dynamic way to obtain the connection properties and credentials. Now, this needs to be hard-coded or passed via published/private parameters, like @tino said.

See also https://knowledge.safe.com/idea/32677/provide-access-to-named-connections-in-pythoncalle.html?childToView=115746


Looks like this *may* be getting some love from Safe (fingers crossed). If so, while you're in there, maybe you can also implement this:



Thanks for sharing, am crossing my fingers.
