Expose Web Connection details in Workspace

Related products: FME Form

I have a situation where a user needs to select the relevant web connection for authentication, but as there is no means to get the base url from that web connection, they still need to enter an additional URL that the web connection should be used against. This leads to cumbersome double entry and is therefore prone to mistake, when the relevant information is currently held, but inaccessible to the workspace.

I believe it would be beneficial to have the URLs that is held in a Web connection accessible in the workspace. For Aoauth2 this would be the URLs stored in the Web services, while thing like FME Server wuld be the Server URL stored in the connection.

I would suspect that this could be an additional transformer that could extract details from a selected webconnection and extract them out into attributes within the workspace.

Could the details be automatically set to private parameters when the web connection is created (perhaps optionally) then used in any transformer that accepts parameter values?

I would upvote this more if I could...!

I'm making more and more use of the HTTPCaller to access the FME Server REST API and am finding it increasingly frustrating to have to enter the FME Server URL when it already exists in the named web connection. This means I have to prompt for the URL and the connection if I want a dynamic workspace.

Ties in with this idea:
