
Creating ESRI Vector Tiles in ArcGIS Online sing FME

  • 23 August 2019
  • 3 replies

Is it possible to create ESRI Vector Tiles in ArcGIS Online using FME.


I'd like to read from a database feature class for example, and keep an ArcGIS Online Vector Tile layer up to date with period updates.

I can only seem to create and update ESRI Vector Tiles in ArcGIS online from ESRI PRO or possible write a script in Python3 and use the ESRI GIS API, in which case I don't really need FME.

3 replies

Good question! I have this same need / question.

Badge +2

any solutions to this?


Hi @dparsons42​ , @mmirobelli​ and @t_hohenstrater​ 

I am not overly familiar with Esri Vector Tiles, but I did find this older post which links to an Idea for ESRI Tile Cache Files if this is what you are looking for be sure to add a vote to the idea, this will help with the chances of it getting added to a new build of FME in the future.
