
Filter WFS by both BBOX and attribute

  • 25 January 2018
  • 1 reply


I am using the wfs-reader in FME accessing the web feature service(wfs):

Feauturetype: "AllSwedishOccurrences {All Swedish Occurrences}"

I am trying to filter specific(e.g. "Margaritifera margaritifera" species in a municipality(Borås) Seems like I can´t get both criterias on the same time.


How can I get scientificName Margaritifera margaritifera in municipality Borås by filtering in the WFS-reader? It would be ok to apply a bounding box on coordinates instead of using the attribute municipality Borås.

I know some of xml, and I have been trying to find a solution,using the filter functions taught on Geoserver but now I reached a dead end.

I have tried:

<Filter><And><PropertyIsEqualTo><PropertyName>municipality</PropertyName><Literal>Borås</Literal></PropertyIsEqualTo><PropertyIsEqualTo><PropertyName>scientificName</PropertyName><Literal>Margaritifera margaritifera</Literal></PropertyIsEqualTo></And></Filter>

Seems hard to use two attribute within same xmfilter. Guess I must use attribute and geographic filter within the same xml filter. Envelope-function in wfs-reader and attribute xml filter doesn´t seems to worh together in this case.

Can someone help me?

1 reply

Badge +3


The property filter seems correct.

Apart form having unquoted space(s) in the second property, you need to quote it (like you do in your message...)

</PropertyName><Literal>"Margaritifera margaritifera"</Literal></


The Capabilites document shows that geometric filtering is activated. So you should be able to do things like.







<gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>89800,455000 99200,455000 99200,469000 89800,469000 89800,455000</gml:coordinates>





You can combine the geo filter with the property filter.

I can get to the features.

But when I run I get a connection error. So can't test it.
