
Extract image from Google / Bing

  • 10 November 2017
  • 3 replies

Hi all,

I'm very new to FME and GIS so sorry if I get any terminology wrong!

To give you a run down, I've created a TIN surface from an ESRIASCIIGRID file. I have then extracted the boundary of this to get a footprint in a .shp file.

With this, I am trying to download a satellite image from either google earth or google/bing maps (to drape over the surface later).

Attempt 1:

Import the .shp file into google earth, I then attempted to export an image from the extents of the polygon from the .shp file. I can't figure out a way to do this so I've just saved an image from google earth manually with 4K resolution, showing the extents of the polygon in red.

Is there a way for FME to detect a red polygon and to clip the image around this? Would it then be possible to add geo-spatial data to this image to match the previously created surface?

I have read through this post but am unable to get it to work, but thankyou @takashi as it's helping me to better understand FME.

Attempt 2:

Using googles static maps API. I have read through this post (thankyou @jdh) and the google maps API documentation and have been able to view an image, but the highest resolution I can get is 640x640. I also have the same issue of clipping its extents to the boundray of the surface.

Thankyou to everyone who has taken their time to read through this, If I am going around this the wrong way and there is a much simpler solution I would appreciate any thoughts.

Thankyou again,


EDIT: I have just managed to use Bings static maps REST services to export an image from the extents of the surfaces bounding box. I did this by manually converting the eastings/northings to lat/long.

Is there a way in FME to do this conversion?

Thanks again,


3 replies

Badge +11
@tom_james - Welcome to the FME Community pages! I like the direction you have gone with your second attempt.. I believe the HTTPCaller will be your friend in this scenario and I think that you will have to leverage the Clipper transformer after retrieving the image(s) based on the boundary.


Are you able to share your workspace? It would be great to have a workflow to start playing with.


Badge +6

Hi @tom_james,



One thought, if you don't necessarily need Google Earth imagery, is to use one of our baked in raster readers for Sentinel or Landsat-8. We have a helpful tutorial on reading in raster imagery from these readers here :
Badge +22

You can absolutely convert your extents automatically. The easiest way would be to use a Reprojector (on the footprint rather than the surface for faster processing) followed by a BoundsExtractor to get the extents as attributes you can use in the httpCaller.
