
Connect all From points to all To points in FromToBuilder

  • 4 March 2014
  • 3 replies

Hi all,



I want to use the custom transformer FromToBuilder to connect all From points to all To points. I thought that by setting a common attribute for joining features where the value is set to 1 for all features would produce this M:M result. However, I've only managed to get lines from all From features to ONE To feature, in other words M:1.



Any ideas how to achive M:M?

3 replies

Badge +3


Hi Daniel,



Thats a full cartesian product FROMxTO.


U can achieve this by first, indeed merging using a common attribute.



First extract coordinates of points and name them apporpriatly.


Use a featuremerger, set proces duplicates and enter a listname.


On the output insert an listexploder and explode the duplicatelist. Now u will have the cartesian product.



If u have passed the x,y coordinates. U can now use 2DReplacer on the FROM points and a 2DPointadder on the TO points.



Thats all.


(i made a workbecnh while typing this, so if u want it, just holler :))


Have funs,


Hi Gio,



Thanks for sharing your solution idea, it seems to work fine for me!




Userlevel 3
Badge +17
Hi Daniel,



I had a look at definition of the FromToBuilder. You can customize it easily for your requirement.


1) Open editing window for the FromToBuilder (right-click on the transformer interface and select Edit on the context menu).


2) In the parameters dialog of the FeatureMerger, enter a list attribute name (e.g. "_list") to "List Name". And make sure that "Process Duplicate Suppliers" is "Yes".


3) Insert a ListExploder after the FeatureMerger. Specify the list attribute to "List Attribute" parameter.


After customizing, the workflow becomes almost same as Gio's suggestion.



