
How Generate Optimized Contours from Point Clouds

I create Point Clouds from Drone photography using Pix4D. It outputs both .XYZ and .LAS files. Pix4D also generates contours but I am not satisfied with the output - it's too generalized. I want to create highly detailed contours from the Pix4D point cloud output. I also want to optimize them with the FME Curvefitter transformer and output to an AutoCAD DWG. I have tried several processes using the PointCloudXYZ reader and also the PointCloudCoercer but have not been successful creating an AutoCAD Polyline output that can be Curvefit. Can you give me some pointers?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +26

PointCloudCoercer to individual points, then a ContourGenerator should get you polylines that the CurveFitter should be able to handle.

Badge +20

You can use ContourGenerator directly on .XYZ files. I recommend continuing with a Sorter (by _elevation) followed by a LineCombiner (by _elevation), a Generalizer if you want to, then use an AttributeCreator to create autocad_layer attribute and a value of your choice.

At the dwg writer feature type, on General->Layer Name select the autocad_layer attribute value.
