Add toggle control enabling the startup/shutdown python scripting

Related products: FME Form

Add a check in the Navigator window under Scripting to allow Enable or Disable the Startup or Shutdown scripting to run.

During debugging, I frequently need to disable the workspace to run the Startup Python scripting. either I Cut and paste to Notepad, or I have to o comment out all script lines just for the sake of testing.

i can add a private parameter Type Choice "Debug" with values Yes/No, but I guess it'll be more handy if it is set by default in the Navigator window for any workspace.

This really needs to be implemented. Particularly since feature caching has been introduced. If I run my script to a particular transformer, it runs my python startup and shutdown script. If I then run to the next transformer (using cached features) it runs my startup and shutdown scripts again. Some of these scripts are not trivial, the startup script deletes a geometric network, the shutdown script turns off versioning on the datasets, rebuilds the geometric network and turns versioning back on again. This doesn't need to occur every time I want to follow the outputs of each transformer. Please enable a switch to ignore startup/shutdown scripts when running a translation.


As @samisnunu suggested, it could be a toggle in the navigator window, or possibly, a pop up when executing along with the published parameters pop up.

Can you just create a start.txt and/or stop.txt file and populate it with "Debug" when you want to do testing and set it to something else otherwise? Then at the top of your python you could do:

import fme, fmeobjects

f = open("start.txt", "r")

if (f.readline() == "Debug"):

  print("***** in Debug Mode, skipping normal startup *****")


  print("****** Running usual startup *****")


Another vote for a much needed functionality.

I only feel the situation already.... Who in the team deployed the workspace with the toggle still off???


Just like 'redirect to inspector'...

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