Search / Find for all workbenches that contains a specific source file

Related products: FME Form

When using a core dataset (that changes in time) which is used in diverse workflows/ workbenches, and when that core dataset is updated/ changed, it would be good to find all the workflows that contain that dataset and which derives many other outputs. This is so you can change or, check that the workflow is updated.

We use a core policing administrative boundary dataset (beat boundaries) which is linked to n number workflows... for example: to convert in various formats (for our different systems) or to calculate and output many other variables at beat level (e.g. demographics, etc.)

With more and more automated workflows running, I find it that I always end up forgetting to update at least one workflow.

The ability to search for which workflows in a folder / drive contain that particular data source (also using wildcards - e.g. *beat*.shp) then we would be able to go through the list and amend the workflow (or check it is running smoothly!)

Thank you!


It should be fairly easy to create a workspace that does this, using the "FME Workspace (FMW)" reader:

Hmm, I know some team members who will find this extremely interesting. Thanks for suggesting.

Hi @opowell,

I agree with @david_r that the "FME Workspace (FMW)" reader is the way to go for dealing with the historic problem. But to handle the future, your issue might be solved with a custom transformer called the 'ASCBeatReader', I have created an example for you and some deployment instructions...

  1. Open the attached FMW.
  2. Have a look in the ASCBeatReader and notice that you can enter the required path to the Beat Boundaries shape file.
  3. Click on the ASCBeatReader tab and inside the AttributeExposer replace my 3 dummy attributes with the actual attributes of the real dataset that you wish to be consumed. Spell them correctly and use the correct case!
  4. Whilst on the ASCBeatReader tab chose File > Export as Custom Transformer. On the export dialog make sure you set 'Insert Mode' to "Linked Always", this is the important bit. This guarantees that it will always reference the custom transformer source file. Importantly then make sure the Save Location is saved to your network share for custom resources. See 'Shared FME Folders' in here for more info. This approach only works if you reference this custom transformer as a shared resource.

Now, whenever you add an ASCBeatReader to one of your workspaces all will be well... because if your Beats file location changes or the schema expands or contracts, just go and edit ASCBeatReader.fmx, edit the path in the file, save it, which you'll just have to do once and... every workspace containing an ASCBeatReader will automatically update.

Hope that helps... if you need more, you know how to get hold of me.

...lets not take this as reason not to vote the idea up though, better search in FME for anything that might be in a workspace is a great idea... let's face it @daleatsafe and team have FME2020 to think about now!

Cheers, Dave



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