Easily override zip-file name on FMEServer Datadownload

Related products: FME Form

Default filename using the DataDownloadservice is : http://fmeserver/fmedatadownload/FME_2D764B0C_1515155526785_73956.zip

Create an FME_SERVER_PARAMETER on FME Desktop like : FME_SERVER_ZIPFILENAME that can override this name if not empty. Then you can easily create a complex output-file based on both published parameters and attributes created during the workspace. For instance in a workspace you have:


Startfilename = "3Dmodels"

attribute created within the workspace:

timestamp = "20180101"

FME_SERVER_ZIPFILENAME = "Startfilename + _ + timestamp"

Will give the filename:


and automatically this will be the downloadlink instead of the default:


Agree that the suggestion would be useful in some cases. I think it would be better if the resulting zip file path could contain not only timestamp but also Job ID, in order to make each file path completely unique. Since the same workspace could be run with multiple jobs at the same time.

Still don't know why this isn't a feature. The UUID of the zip is a bit of a pain

Is this still not possible?