Add "Forgot Password" option to login screen

Related products: FME Form

In FME Server 2017 there doesn't seem to be a way to have the user create a new password if they forgot the old one (they can change it but they have to be logged in to do that). I would like to see an option for a user to change their password themself without having to contact an admin

(right now if you're running an FME Cloud and you forget the superuser password you've essentially locked yourself out...)

@redgeographics – I encourage you to check out the latest FME Server 2018.0 beta!

See Admin > System Configuration > Features to turn on the 'Reset Password' option. This will require that an email address is defined for the User.


Sweet! Thanks!

FME Server 2018.0 has now been released – and with it, the ability to Reset Your Password! Please review FME Server Documentation for more information regarding how you can set this up on your installation.