Save Feature Count

Related products: FME Form

I would like to be able to save down the Feature Count of a workspace run so I can restore it later. Sometimes I want to come back to an earlier result for debugging purposes or simply to compare numbers after making changes to a workspace or updating input data. At the moment there is no way to see what the counts were after closing a workspace or after re-running it. Even better if FME Server could export the feature counts into some sort of log file so I can view it on desktop without having to track through the log file.

Today I want to submit the same idea and find that you have submitted it. Thank you.

Displaying feature count in the canvas is very helpful for me to handle the situation, but this feature is limited to running, and if you close the workspace and open it again, these numbers will disappear. But a lot of times, I also want to look at the feature count that was previously processed. Viewing the log file may also know some feature count, but it is very
unintuitive.So I really want to add this feature.

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