Row Selection Where Clause in SDEGeodatabase Writer

Related products: FME Form

I'd love to see the row selection where clause that's available in the ESRI Geodatabase (File Geodb API) writer be added the the ESRI Geodatabase (SDE Geodb) writer. It seems like this should be fairly easy to do.

Hi @johnzoltak, are you referring to the WHERE clause that you can set while updating the feature type? If so, this has been implemented in our 2018.0 betas. You can set the Feature Operation to UPDATE and then specify a WHERE clause or match columns to test for.

I'll switch this Idea to In Beta. If I missed what you were requesting, please let me know.

Thanks Tia, that's exactly what I was looking for!

i have connected my SDE to FME to migrate my SDE database to QGIS. But got stuck what to perform next .