Mapbox Vector Tiles Writer

Related products: FME Form

Add support for writing to Mapbox Vector Tile format:

There seem to be lots of services you can just connect to.

Safe PRs 53882,45586



Would be really nice if it was possible to write them to a mbtiles file as well. I think this is supported by GDAL now.

Yes, we paid for it to be added to GDAL! This will be rolled into FME 2019 and be available in FME 2019 betas when we update our GDAL version. And so yes, we'll be able to write vector tiles to mbtiles too once that is all in place.



Is there any chance that you can provide an update?



It appears that Safe have funded the MVT and MBTiles driver. This is awesome because whilst MBTiles are great for local data...the MVT driver works really well with online sources and is undoubtedly going to be extremely popular.



I have just downloaded 2019 build 19113 and it would appear that FME does not yet have the functionality.



Yes - sadly it is not there yet. We just integrated the latest GDAL drop into FME 2019's beta stream. We have another (unfortunately large) project queued up next, and then MVT is after that. I'd expect it to be in a beta of some kind (FME 2019 or 2019.1) by end of year. Sorry for the delay.



Totally understand and thank you for the quick reply. We have had such an amazing time with vector tiles recently - they really break down barriers with customers by making data so incredibly accessible.



We have several FME folks bursting at the seams to get more involved with vector tiles. FME would be a great enabling technology to get those folks onboard and producing incredible MVT workflows. For the moment, we continue to write code to get results _but_ the productivity/accessibility of FME is certainly missed.



We are all very much looking forward to FME with MVT support. Keep up the great work!

Hi @daleatsafe, are there any news for the release of the MVT writer? I found no notice in the release notes for the 2019.1 beta. As we need the MVT generation we must decide eighter to wait for FME or by a second product in the next 2-3 monthes.

Really want this!

Hi Everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that the Mapbox Vector Tiles Writer is available in tech preview in FME 2019.2 and up! As it's in tech preview, keep in mind that it's still undergoing constant development. You can find it in the latest 2019.2 build from our downloads page. Let us know what you think!