Change colour on writers when redirect to inspector is selected

Related products: FME Form

It would be great to have a visual clue on the canvas when redirect to inspector is selected, e.g. changing the colour of the writers

Quite similar to this idea:

I'll support this! Sometimes it is the simple (and visual) things that go a long way...

Hi @egomm, although not a change in Writer colour, the FME 2018 betas now output a log message right a runtime alerting the user is Redirect or Full Inspection is turned on.


Hi Tia. Ideally the message would be clear before runtime that inspectors are on, how many of us set the workspace running, look away before the log even starts and go to get a coffee or even go home for the day expecting the process to finish? Not that we should, but we do! Or I do anyway...



This is confusing for the beginner-users too - so a change in colors would be nice.