FeatureReader: select attributes to read

Related products: FME Form

Is it possible to add the 'Attributes to Read' option from the Readers to the FeatureReader transformer, too?

For the same basic reason: not to read unnecessary data when the feature type is large.

Very good suggestion and one that we will get to. Probably not FME 2018 sadly but this is on the roadmap for certain. TO do this we have to bring feature type parameters into the feature reader, like they are for the feature writer. A necessary but big step in our plan to make FeatureReader the item of choice in the future.

Is this something that is going to be in 2019 or 2020?

This is kind of mandatory features for feature reader , sometime may be need to select just one/two fields from a large data set

This is kind of very basic reason not to read whole data sets for large number of fields , in some workflow we just need one or two fields from large data sets

Hi, @daleatsafe, has there been any further progress on this one?

@daleatsafe, this is a very interesting suggestion. I don't see it being implemented by 2019 anyway. Any ideas when?

Yes using slow connection the difference between reading only some attribute VS all attributes is huge. Sometimes this may prevent connection Timeout.

Surprised to see this doesn't exist yet!