A specific color for FeatureReader & FeatureWriter

Related products: FME Form

Idea from FMWT 2017 at Lyon, France :

FeatureReader & FeatureWriter work like datasets but are blue like normal transformers.

A specific color could be great to distinguish them in the workspace. Maybe the features type color or a new specific color.


I would go a step further and would like to be able to custom color transformers.

That would allow FeatureReaders and FeatureWriter to show, but also transformers that read from web services (HTTPCaller) or databases (SQLExecutor and SQLCreator).

I was present for this discussion in Lyon and the user made the point that differentiating between transformers which read and write data was the key thing, so yes also SQLExectutor and SQLCreator etc.

However, in his opinion, it would not be so good to allow custom colors because if everyone had their own colors we create problems with readability for others down the road. Personally I can see both sides of that questions but either way, a good idea that gets my vote!

Could the custom colours be stored as local config in Desktop (user profile) rather than in the Workspace itself so user specific.

...or implement custom transformer color option and have a workspace option to switch between custom- and default transformer colors.


Specific reader / writer colors has my vote as I know the challenge of visual scanning for FeatureReaders and FeatureWriters in busy workspaces.