FeatureReader - option to clip to spatial extent when using a spatial filter

Related products: FME Form

In a standard reader you have the option to clip to extents if setting a search envelope. Similar functionality in the FeatureReader would be useful when a spatial filter is being used to give the option to clip to the filter feature

This would be particularly useful for raster datasets, when we want to read only some part of the image.

Even clipping on the bounding box of the initiator would be ok.

No offset or resampling of the image should be performed, only a subset of the image should be read (as in RasterSubsetter rather than Clipper)


Any news on this one ?

@deanatsafe​ presented yesterday some demo about the COG reader, but it looks like we still need to define the desired extents in a standard Reader.

If we want to benefit from the tremendous opportunities offered by the "cloud optimized formts" such as COG or COPC (and others), we really need the FeatureReader to include the clipping (or subsetting) by initiator feature(s).

I’m just going to head down the WorkspaceRunner route to work round this issue to read the tiles I require from an OGC WCS.  Bit of a faff.