Remove both duplicates with DuplicateFilter

Related products: FME Form


Perhaps an option can be created in DuplicateFilter that flags both the duplicate instead of keeping the first one on and moving the other one under the "Duplicates" button.

I am working with a topological network and there is one point where a duplicate feature could cause false connections later down the road. In a case like this, I would want to remove both and examine them later rather than FME choosing one over the other.

Right now I had to use ListBuilder--> List Element Counter --> Tester to remove it. Not the best way for something that should be simple.

I do it with StatisticsCalculator Complete port -> TestFilter (love named outputs).


For such an option I suggest the Input is ordered by group as well to make the transformation less blocking.



Have you tried the Matcher transformer? I believe this can achieve what you need.

Thank you erik_jan, the Matcher transformer works perfectly for this purpose.

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