Add template location to writer parameters for the FMW reader

I am analysing a series of our workspaces using the FMW reader and trying to ascertain which have templates. I have found the DEFLINE_TEMPLATE parameter in the 'workspace parameter' attribute and assumed that where this has a value there is a template, but I cannot find the location of the template file itself. If the reader does not pick this up it would be useful to add in future, thanks.

Glad to know the FMW reader is getting just. But @chrisw84, you've found deep secrets of ancient FME workings.

DEFLINE_TEMPLATE is actually not referring to any external files. Instead, this is a copy of a special line in the format's "metafile" which helps FME understand how to communicate static details of a particular feature type from Workbench to the actual FME Engine format-specific writer module. It will most often be blank, but occasionally for some formats have a cryptic text value. Definitely not anything that would be externally useful.

Thanks @daleatsafe, so is there a definitive way to identify writers using templates?

Also, can we identify using the workspace reader which ones are using readers as resources?