Hidden connections - highlight where they go

Related products: FME Form

I noticed at the Christchurch NZ world tour event yesterday that there is concern over hidden connections - wondering if they could show a popup when you hover over them advertising which transformer they go to/come from, and maybe even an option to zoom to it. I know there are tunnels that do this, but thought I'd suggest in case it has not been already!

A good use for these can be hiding connections that cross bookmarks (getting in the way of other transformers etc.), to clean up those bookmarks.

Also, can you un-hide at one click?

Hi. I agree. A colleague of mine recently pointed out the tunnels options. The yare a great idea, but we both see a drawback, working out which connections go where once they're hidden. We both have experience using electrical schematic diagrams and on schematics they often do this, but they label the "terminating" ends of the visible common lines with a code (for example A5, or Line 2 etc). I think an automatic system of labelling the start and end of a tunnel line will help clear things up.

One quick tip - selecting a transformer shows the hidden connections connected to it - or you can press Ctrl+A to select everything, which will show all the hidden connections.