Allow users to change "Run with prompt" while running a workspace.

Related products: FME Form

If you start a workspace you get a prompt for parameters You realize that you don't want this anymore. You hit Ok and the worspace starts. But...then you want to turn off the "Run with prompt" but it's greyed out. I think it's better to allow the user to adjust this setting while a workspace is running. I will forget to turn it off and will run into an extra prompt again. Déjà vu

Seems like a reasonable idea. I'll find out if it is as easy as it sounds...

I usually cancel the run before it starts reading if I do not want to use the "Prompt and Run", but sometimes that escapes my attention. In those cases this would be a nice to have.

I'm coming at this from a slightly different direction: I want to prompt for certain Workspaces but not others. I forgot to turn off "Run with prompt" once and it stopped Workspaces I was running via scheduled tasks from continuing. But I want other Workspaces to always prompt the user for a value because I need them to enter a value that can't be obtained from the data.