Add Import function to FeatureReader's [Attribute to Expose]

Related products: FME Form

When using FeatureReader, often need to be exposed to some of the properties, can be use [Attribute to Expose] to specify the Attribute names. But must be manually enter the attribute name, if add an Import function (eg.AttributeExposed's Import function),I think it can more convenient to use.

When I use a path attribute to select the dataset I want to open with a FeatureReader, I need to expose all the columns or schema of my reader. Otherwise I am missing columns for the connected transformers and writers. This import option would be handy to keep me from adding another attributeExposer.

I would also like this.

I agree. I too think this will be useful.

This is a much much needed update. We waste a lot of time figuring out how to expose all those attributes. Especially cumbersome when you are reading features that carry different set of attributes. Need urgent attention from FME developer team!