Add scheduling to FME Cloud

Related products: FME Flow

Currently you can only launch an instance of FME Server on FME Cloud using the dashboard or API. Add support to provision instances using a scheduler GUI on the FME Cloud dashboard. This would allow you to bring an instance up for a period of time every day, week or month. Since pricing is hourly you can keep costs to a minimum only paying for the server when you are using it.

Hi @stewart.harper,

I have recently tried setting up a schedule to start my FME Cloud instance once a month, but unfortunately was not able to do that with the standaard functionality, since scheduling is only possible on a daily or weekly frequency.

Any chance of adding the choice to set the repeats to monthly?



Hi @itay,

Could you post your requirements on this idea, please? Some things to think about:

- Do you want it to be a certain day each month, e.g. the 25th of the month?

- Or do you want it to be the first day of a month, e.g. The first Monday of the month?

- How would you handle if the user picked 29th, 30th or 31st and the month didn't have that day?

This is tricky to do and the underlying library we use doesn't support it that is why we haven't implemented anything, but I'd be interested to get your requirements.
