FME Glossary

Related products: FME Form

In the FME interface and documentation, there are many terminologies special for FME.
e.g. dataset, feature type, schema, mapping, file-based, folder-base, fanout ...

There also are some terminologies having multiple representations to indicate the same concept.
blocking transformers, group-based transformers
complex list, structured list
data flow, workflow (it's vague whether these indicate the same concept or not)

Also no name concepts.

Although users can understand those concepts if they read the documentation carefully, it might be better if there were an official FME Glossary. I think such a glossary would help all users to understand FME key concepts more quickly, especially for beginners.
Currently working on this for 2016


@takashi There is a great page in our doc that lists FME terminology and descriptions! It is a bit buried, but here is the URL:!FME_Terminology/terminology.htm

It would be good to have a glossary of terms from a database perspective. FME appears to be good at etl in a non spatial world (or at lest that's my priority at present).

There are hundreds of readers/transformers/writers and it appears you can use many to achieve a similar result.


Finding the best r/t/w is tricky then not knowing the FME terminology adds to the "interest".


Hi @saj42saj, would you mind posting this as a new idea? I'm afraid since this idea has been released other uses won't be able to see your suggestion and up-vote or add any comments.
The FME Glossary can be found in each of the documentation manuals; for example here is a link to that section in the Readers and Writers Manual:!FME_Terminology/terminology.htm