Support More Excel File Formats

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An Excel-Reader with supporting Microsoft Office XML formats would be very useful.At this time only 'normal' xls and xlsx files can be read, but when i have an xml-based xls or xlsx file the data cannot be read.
@4f0309752b284e2c8eabc3ef658a8092 Thanks for the Excel file. I still think this issue is partially related to the issue noted by lars de vries. I cannot read the Excel file in the latest beta, but I also get a warning when opening in Excel "The file format and extension of 'genehmigungen_neu.xls' don't match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe.". I suspect the actual extension should be .xml.This is confirmed on saving the file in Excel which indicates that the format is XML Spreadsheet 2003. As noted below FME currently only supports Excel 97-2003 binary formats (xls) and Excel 2007-2013 xml formats (xlsx). Recommend converting these old files to newer ones or upgrading the process that creates these old file types, if possible.
@ryanproulx I think @4f0309752b284e2c8eabc3ef658a8092 means the .xsl format. Which is an xml template for a xls(x) file, but can also contain 'content'.
@ryanproulx Check out this excel-document (for example): is an xml-based excel-file (not an excel-binary), which can be read with an editor as well. The Excel-Reader (FME2014SP4) cannot find any sheets to
read.So i use a startupskript to convert the file to a binary-excel-file (jodconverter and LibreOffice) - then the excel-reader can also read
@4f0309752b284e2c8eabc3ef658a8092 That sounds surprising. What is a 'normal' Excel file? The old standard, .xls files, were not XML based but .xlsx files are basically a zipped set of XML files. If there are files that you cannot read perhaps there are other factors involved like encryption or sheet protection. Please file a case with support for this type of issue if you have not already. Thanks
@larsdevries1 That makes more sense. We currently only support Excel 97-2003 binary formats (xls) and Excel 2007-2013 xml formats (xlsx/xlsm). There are many other types of related Excel files that we do not support such as .xlt, .xlst, .xla, .xlam, .xlsb, etc. (cf. Most of these have distinct extensions and we do have some requests for a subset of these files as well. Thanks