Full Data Inspector inside of Workbench

Related products: FME Form

Not just the current "Feature Information" windows which can be used in Debugging, but Inspectors would pop up. (This is the so-called Frankenbench showed at the FME UC)
Would very much like the v2 of this feature to allow a selection based tester that would work as a filter on what features to run in the workspace.
I am quite happy to keep the Workbench and Inspector separate of eachother - even on a separate screen.
I think this would make Workbench too cluttered. Would prefer to keep them separate.
@gschleusner - Greg, I have already pondered about a published parameter of type "spatial" that let the user select an area of map from the DI. Then you could inject that into a Creator and pass it into a Clipper/FeatureReader/SpatialFilter. Would that be the sort of selection-based test you are talking about?

This idea has been implemented for FME Desktop 2019.0 as Visual Preview. You will now be able to preview caches directly in the Visual Preview window of Workbench if you have Feature Caching enabled.

If you prefer to view the caches within Data Inspector, you have the option of disabling Visual Preview through FME Options > Workbench > Data Inspection.


Please note that this is a beta feature and its functionality and appearance are subject to change as the product continues to evolve before the official release.

Should this feature or its implementation not address your concerns, related to this Idea posting, please let us know by leaving a comment.