Publish FME Server REST API endpoints for retrieval of Automation workflow compo

Related products: FME Flow

***Note from Migration:***

Original Title was: Publish FME Server REST API endpoints for retrieval of Automation workflow components

Per this question:

It appears that Safe has REST endpoints available for retrieving Automation component details but they are currently unpublished. It would be great if Safe could publish this information.

Specifically, I would like to be able to retrieve details of FME workspaces used in an Automation, including Published Parameter values configured in the Automation. I need this information to help with documentation of current state of an FME Server instance (I am using an FME workspace, via the FME Server REST API, to produce a current state report).

In a more general sense, it would be great if Safe could document all undocumented REST API endpoints:

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