Do NOT add Format Attributes to Schema Definition generated by FeatureReader

Related products: FME Form

Derived from: Where are the fme_dataset and fme_basename attributes when reading with the FeatureReader?

In most formats, you can read "fme_basename" and "fme_dataset" with a FeatureReader by selecting them through the Additional Attributes to Expose parameter in the reader parameters.

It's good but then the schema feature output from the Schema port of the FeatureReader would contain those attributes in the schema definition (attribute{} list), as in:

It's just annoying when configuring dynamic schema writer feature type using the schema feature as the schema source. You will have to remove them through the Attributes to Remove parameter in the writer feature type if you don't want to write them into the destination dataset, and I think you don't want to write them usually.

In my observation, not only "fme_basename" and "fme_dataset" but also other format attributes will be added to the attribute{} list in the schema feature if you expose them via the Additional Attributes to Expose parameter.

I think it would be better if the FeatureReader would never add any format attributes to the attribute{} list in the schema feature.

Is there any update about this in FME 2020?