Automatically expose attributes from relationship queries in Salesforce Reader

Related products: FME Form

When using relationships in the Salesforce Reader with a custom SQL statement, the fields from related objects do not automatically populate in the schema. This leads users to believe that the query is not pulling this data. The current solution is to expose these related attributes with the AttributeExposer which is not intuitive for users attempting to use the Salesforce Reader. Related issue:

@jasonschroeder is absolutely correct. I knew the data .r because I saw it in Dataloader but the FME Salesforce Reader/Writer documentation led me to believe it wasn't accessible stating "Wildcards, multi-table selects, and arbitrary joins are not supported. " Exposing these fields should be built in to the SF Reader.

Hi @jasonschroeder,

Unfortunately, right now across all transformers in FME, when you enter a custom SQL statement. The attributes from it will not automatically be exposed. It essentially becomes the same as using the SQL Executor where you have to manually expose the output features. I've posted an internal comment to add this note to our documentation to hopefully avoid confusion.

However, we do have some ideas on how to make exposing attributes easier. These changes would be FME wide. I've spoken to a product owner and added your comments there. Hopefully, you'll see some improvement in this in the future!

FYI @bruceharold

Thanks Sienna!